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What is a Wheel Alignment?

A wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of your vehicle’s steering and suspension components back to original specifications. This means all the wheels are facing the same direction. An alignment is done using a special machine that measures the wheel angles against your vehicle’s original specifications. The technician then makes adjustments as needed.

When your vehicle needs to be realigned, the experts at Les Schwab will do one of two types of alignments. These include 4-wheel alignment for front-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, and most passenger vehicles, and thrust alignment for many larger trucks and SUVs.

Do You Need a Wheel Alignment?

Although it’s sometimes very subtle, the alignment of your wheels can get out of whack from everyday driving. When a car or truck is out of alignment, it can reduce your vehicle’s drivability and gas mileage. Plus it can cause tires to wear out faster. It’s also the reason your vehicle might pull or wander to one side. This can waste fuel, cost you money, and cause safety concerns. Plus, it can add unnecessary wear to your car or truck.

Buying New Tires? Get an Alignment.

We recommend an alignment after the installation of new tires. This helps you get the most life from those tires.

Get Your Alignment Checked Twice Per Year

Most of us wouldn’t miss an oil change or other routine maintenance. Getting those things done can add to the longevity of your vehicle and can save you money. Getting your alignment checked twice a year should be another part of your car-care schedule. Two of the best times to have your alignment checked include early spring and fall. If you can only make it in once per year, schedule your alignment check for the spring, that way you’re ready for all of your summertime adventures.

The Benefits Add Up

Feel Safer
on the Road

A vehicle with poor alignment may pull or drift on the road. Routine alignments can help make your drive a safer one.

Tire Life

Want your money to go further? A wheel alignment can help prevent premature tire wear, which may result in thousands of additional miles from your tires.

Visit the Pump
Less Often

Poor alignment can cause tires to drag slightly causing added friction. This leads to reduced fuel efficiency.

Expensive Repairs

Misaligned wheels can put undue stress on steering and suspension. The damage can get worse the longer you wait.

Alignment Service Pricing

  • Thrust Angle AlignmentThrust Angle Alignment, , hi-res
    Thrust Angle Alignment

    *See product details

    Thrust Angle AlignmentThrust Angle Alignment, , hi-res
    Thrust Angle Alignment
  • Four-Wheel AlignmentFour-Wheel Alignment, , hi-res
    Four-Wheel Alignment

    *See product details.

    Four-Wheel AlignmentFour-Wheel Alignment, , hi-res
    Four-Wheel Alignment

While there are many factors in the cost of alignment, we can offer some general price ranges.

If you need more detailed information, call or stop by your local Les Schwab to speak with an alignment technician, or skip the lines and schedule your appointment now. Visual alignment checks are always free.

While there are many factors in the cost of alignment, we can offer some general price ranges.

If you need more detailed information, call or stop by your local Les Schwab to speak with an alignment technician, or skip the lines and schedule your appointment now. Visual alignment checks are always free.

Schedule an Appointment

Cost of Misalignment

A vehicle that’s properly aligned:

  • Handles correctly
  • Achieves optimal fuel efficiency
  • Maximizes your tire life

When your vehicle is even slightly out of alignment, it is essentially skidding down the road.

  • Tires wear out faster
  • Vehicle might pull or wander to one side
  • Uses more gas
  • Unnecessary wear and tear

Correct and Incorrect Alignment Illustration
Les Schwab employee in a circle
warranty seal

The Les Schwab Wheel Alignment Warranty

Everything we do, we do to earn your trust. This includes giving you a comprehensive warranty.

  • FREE visual alignment check
  • All alignments come with a 30-day guarantee
  • Warranty covers labor costs
  • Honored at every Les Schwab location


  • Over time, normal settling of the suspension, including fatigue of springs and bushings (rubber cushions that dampen the amount of movement and noise), will gradually change alignment. Hitting a pothole, going over big bumps, rubbing up against a curb or rolling over debris can also push wheels out of alignment. Additionally, aggressive driving, carrying heavy loads, bent or worn suspension/steering parts, or a slight fender-bender can trigger misalignment.

  • Regular alignments are part of basic auto maintenance. Catching misalignment early means you can correct your wheel’s positions before you have premature tire wear.

  • It’s recommended, on average, to get your vehicle aligned twice a year or when you buy new tires. Other times to get your alignment checked include:
  • After a sharp impact with a curb or pothole
  • If you go offroading a lot
  • When tires are wearing unevenly
  • Anytime you lower or lift your vehicle
  • When steering or suspension parts that affect the tire angles are replaced
  • If you notice your vehicle drifts or pulls to one side
  • If the steering wheel is off-center when you’re pointing straight
  • After an accident

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